June 12, 2015

A Pig Tale

Millie was allergic to dust and dirt; it made her eyes watery & made her sneeze.
Her brothers and her sisters made fun of Millie who was frequently teased.

Do you know a child that suffers from allergies? Bullying? Being different? If so, then Pig Tale is a a must read. This story about a pig named Millie who is allergic to dust and dirt, is a wonderful story teaches a lesson to children about not fitting in and being disliked for being different.

Millie is constantly teased by her brothers and sisters because she doesn't like to roll in the mud on the farm where she lives. She doesn't like to get dirty at all because she has allergies - the dirt makes her sneeze and makes her eyes water. So Millie likes to stay clean - but other pigs don't understand this. After all - it's unnatural!

However, when the farmer's pet dog dies, his daughter is distraught, and the farmer let's Millie become his daughter's new pet. With this, Millie goes on an adventure in bravery and reaping it's rewards.

Told in rhyme, Pig Tale is truly a delightful "tale" of how the woes of life can be turned into something positive. But mostly it is a tale that teaches children the importance of tolerance and acceptance, a lesson that all children should learn at an early age so that they can grow up to become responsible and kind adults.

Pig Tale
Author: Paul M. Kramer
Illustrator: Krishna Yuval

BookBuzz4Kids.com reviews books that celebrate culture and educate young children ages 1-10. Our mission is to celebrate children’s books that promote diversity, so that parents of all cultural, diverse backgrounds, including special needs,  havea source where they can find children's books that represent them and their children.  To suggest a book to have reviewed on BookBuzz4Kids.com, email adcwriter@gmail.com

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